How companies can improve remote workers’ safety?

A very important step for any organization is to take care of employee wellbeing. In the special scenario like the current situation when COVID-19 is spreading so fast among people, businesses are either closed or working on social distancing patterns or working from home temporarily. If businesses are facing the issues, employees are also facing…

Tips to help you drink more water every day

Are you trying to drink more water every day? It can be boring and repetitive and at times, a little torturous. It is recommended that the person should drink a minimum of 4 litres of water a day, even more, when they do exercise or the weather is hot. It is important to stay hydrated…

Myths of Hard Water

In the world of water, all water cannot be considered as equal. Water has been classified as hard water or soft water depending on its mineral content. There are a lot of myths about hard water and water quality. In reality, we don’t know how does hard water work, hence many people are misinformed about…